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About us


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The Canggu Studio is a place for everybody. It’s not about looking good – although that can be a welcome side effect! – it’s about feeling good. We offer a wide range of classes so people can discover and expand all the different parts of themselves – if you want to train hard and tone that butt, open your heart and work on the subtle energy body, find self expression through movement and dance, learn the technicalities of a martial art, you can do it all in one place. However you feel on a particular day, there will be a class for you.

The Canggu Studio offers a huge variation of dance classes, boxing, strong workouts,  yoga, breathwork, and much more.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday8am - 8pm
Saturday8am - 4pm

Find Us

Jl Raya Canggu, Br Jl. Kayu Tulang No.28x, Bali 80361